Jon Jantz, MD, FAAP
Bethel College
Degree: B.S. in Mathematics and Natural Science
Order of the Golden A
Medical Degree:
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
President of the Kansas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
After finishing his residency, Dr. Jantz served at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota for over three years. During that time, he was instrumental in bringing a Women, Infants and Children (WIC) feeding program to the Reservation, and was Senior Clinician for the Aberdeen Area of the Indian Health Service. During his stay in Pine Ridge:
- The Ogalala Lakota Tribe awarded him WA OHI YE WAN KA TUYA (Highest Honor);
- the governor of South Dakota named July 11, 1989, “Dr. Jon Jantz Day” in honor of his outstanding service to children in South Dakota;
- he was a medical consultant on both “Tragedy at Pine Ridge” for NBC News with Tom Brokaw, which won an Emmy award,
- and also for “Born Drunk” on National Public Radio with Noah Adams, which received a Bronze Award for Outstanding Health Journalism.
Dr. Jantz has served on the Committee on Native American Child Health, a national committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is currently serving as the President of the Kansas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Dr. Jantz is married, and the father of three children.
“Individually, we’re good. Together we’re awesome.”
Dr. Jantz strives for excellence in pediatric and adolescent care. This is usually best achieved by parents, their child or adolescent and their pediatrician ALL participating in decision making. When the team works together, the outcome exceeds the sum of the parts.
Every effort will be made to prevent the overuse and abuse of medications and antibiotics (often overused in the treatment of colds and the flu) and steroids (often overused in asthma). Overuse of antibiotics results in resistance and decreased effectiveness in both the patient and the community. Overuse of steroids depresses the immune system and leads to weight gain, among other side effects.
Dr. Jantz had rheumatic fever as a child and remembers the trauma. He firmly believes in avoiding unnecessary labs, x-rays or other tests. When tests are needed, we make our best effort to be firm, gently and efficient, using appropriate pain control.
Dr. Jantz graduated with a double major in Mathematics and Natural Science from Bethel College, earning the Order of the Golden A. He attended Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, one of the top three medical schools in the US. He completed his internship and residency in pediatrics at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and received the St. Louis Pediatric Society Award.
He is an instructor in the Neonatal Resuscitation Program and the Pediatric Advanced Life Support program, and helps make sure the hospital maternal child unit is well qualified to care for premature infants and infants with other life-threatening problems at birth.
As faculty, Dr. Jantz provides supervision for medical students, nursing students and undergraduates going into medical fields. He has been published in several leading professional journals.
From our patients survey:
“Dr Jantz went above and beyond for our child. There is no practice we would trust more in times of wellness or illness.”
“Our family loves Dr. Jantz! We trust him with all 3 of our kids and won’t go anywhere else.”
“All visits to Cottonwood have been great. Dr. Jantz is always very informative and helpful. It is very apparent all staff is very caring towards the children that are their patients”
Some services Dr. Jantz can provide:
Prevention and Care
Well Child Check-Ups
Sports Physicals
Allergies and Asthma Control
Chronic Conditions
Headaches & Migraines
Sore Throat & Strep Throat
Ear Infections
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Behavior Problems
Sleeping Problems
Fracture Care
Wart removal
Ingrown Toenail
Laceration Care (Stiches/Staples)
Tongue-Tie Clip